Create an array of arrays from a list in Perl -
i want create array of arrays list of objects. how reset array variable (@row , reuse hold items in next sections)? know @row declared once, when pushed array, emptying empty @arrays too. how can reset @row while not empty @arrays?
use data::dumper; # sample data, long list complex data types @list = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20); @arrays; @row; $numsub = 10; foreach $itm (@$list) { if (scalar(@row) == $numsub) { push @arrays, \@row; @row = (); # clear array, cleared array of arrays push @row, $itm; } else { push @row, $itm; } } # push last reminder push @arrays, \@row; dumper @arrays; # nothing
put my @row
inside of foreach
loop instead of outside. distinct variable every time through loop.
incidentally, there nicer ways write this, example:
my @copy = @list; while (@copy) { push @arrays, [ splice @copy, 0, $numsub ]; }
use list::util 'max'; (my $i = 0 ; $i < @list ; $i += $numsub) { push @arrays, [ @list[ $i .. max($i + $numsub, $#list) ] ]; }
use list::moreutils 'natatime'; $iter = natatime $numsub, @list; while (my @vals = $iter->()) { push @arrays, \@vals; }
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