javascript - Image not showing on iPad d3js -

i'm using d3js along angularjs in ipad webapp. when running on safari/chrome looks good, when running on ipad images append d3js not show.

here js:

directive('zoomscreen', [function() {     return{        restrict: 'e',     link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {        var width = 1024,     height = 660; var offset= [{"xoff":-20,"yoff":10,"swipe_class":"left"},{"xoff":-80,"yoff":0,"swipe_class":"right"},{"xoff":0,"yoff":-80,"swipe_class":"left"},{"xoff":50,"yoff":0,"swipe_class":"left"}]; var svg ="svg")     .attr("width", width)     .attr("height", height)     .append("g"); var = svg.append("image")          .attr("class", "logo")          .attr("x", 375)          .attr("y", 175)          .attr("xlink:href", "../images/brain-back.png")          .attr("height", 300)          .attr("width", 300)          .style("fill", "transparent")          .style("stroke", "black")               .style("stroke-width", 1)          .on("click", outclicked); var image = svg.append("image")          .attr("class", "logo")          .data([offset[0]])          .attr("x", 485)          .attr("y", 175)          .attr("height", 90).attr("width", 90)          .attr("xlink:href", "../images/image1.png")           .style("stroke", "black")               .style("stroke-width", 1)          .on("click", clicked); var image2 = svg.append("image")          .attr("class", "logo")          .data([offset[1]])          .attr("x", 545)          .attr("y", 255)          .attr("height", 90).attr("width", 90)          .attr("xlink:href", "../images/image2.png")              .style("stroke", "black")               .style("stroke-width", 1)          .on("click", clicked); 

and html:

<zoom-screen> <svg class="accel"></svg> </zoom-screen> 

the strange thing ipad knows there elements there, because allows me highlight , click them, doesn't show images.

turns out had convert image base 64 string. set string var , had xlink:href pointing var instead of location. ex:

var image1 = "data:foobase64stringhere";  .attr('xlink:href',image1) 


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