delphi - How to define that node of TVirtualStringTree is presented on screen? -

it's easy check node visible. don't know how rightly define node presented on screen. can find out so:

bottomnode := tree.bottomnode; node := tree.topnode;  idbottomnode := tree.absoluteindex(bottomnode);  while tree.absoluteindex(node) <> idbottomnode begin   node := node.nextsibling;   if not assigned(node)     break; end; 

(code without checking)

but think rather rough way. may there more accurate way?

you may write function follows. tree parameter there specifies virtual tree, node node want check if it's visible, , column optional parameter index of column if need determine whether node , column visible in client rect:

function isnodevisibleinclientrect(tree: tbasevirtualtree; node: pvirtualnode;   column: tcolumnindex = nocolumn): boolean; begin   result := tree.isvisible[node] ,     tree.getdisplayrect(node, column, false).intersectswith(tree.clientrect); end; 

but maybe there's more straightforward way...
