Android: fill spinner with items in text file output truncated -

android: fill spinner items in text file , output truncated

my source file fill spinner in android form it's country txt.

if using version items in spinner stopping , truncate country: "french polyn":

if using other country txt file:

the spinner populated correctly ... why ?

<spinner android:id="@+id/my_spinner_new" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:ellipsize="end" android:singleline="true" android:spinnermode="dialog" /> 

import country txt file in spinner with:

string path = ""; url u = null; try {    u = new url(path);    httpurlconnection c = (httpurlconnection)u.openconnection();    c.setrequestmethod("get");    c.connect();    inputstream in = c.getinputstream();    final bytearrayoutputstream bo = new bytearrayoutputstream();    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];;    bo.write(buffer);    string s = bo.tostring();     final vector<string> str = new vector<string>();    string[] line = s.split("\n");    int index = 0;    while (index < line.length) {       str.add(line[index]);       index++;    } 

i guess because limit buffer 1024 kbytes. first file more 2048, second 1 850 only. reason.


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