javascript - Is my code right, and is the book I am using wrong? Or am I just losing my mind? -

i using john pollocks "a beginners guide javascript edition 3."

the lesson doing 4-2 can found here: page number pdf 107(actual page number 83/84).

correct me if wrong instructions print "hi there!" screen, while giving alert saying "regular text" after printing "this strong text" screen.

so following instructions js code named prjs4_2.js in external file should be

function two_strings(text1,text2) {     var added_text=text1+ " " +text2;     return added_text; } function result() {     var get_result=two_strings("hi","there!");     document.write(get_result); } var ff_result = two_strings("regular","text"); window.alert(ff_result); result(); 

then here html code

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns="">     <head>         <title></title>     </head>     <body>         <p><strong>"this strong text!"</strong></p>         <script type="text/javascript" src="prjs4_2.js"></script>     </body> </html> 

it took me while code, because reading result of should be, , reading text , thinking "this doesn't make sense" realized has backwards changed this.

function two_strings(text1,text2) {     var added_text=text1+ " " +text2;     return added_text; } function result() {     var get_result=two_strings("hi","there!");     window.alert(get_result);  } var first_function_result = two_strings("regular","text"); document.write(first_function_result); result(); 

then came out way describes should.

so question is, book wrong, or did wrong somehow, or did right switching around? think know answer whole question make sure not going mad , book has been published , being used teach people has incorrect information.

you correct. steps 3-6 describe code in first snippet, while description following exercise expresses result of second snippet.

in publishing, errors rather common - , pdf on 500 pages long. unfortunately though, quick google search reveals no errata page, , according an amazon review either well-hidden or nonexistent. there happen fourth edition may or may not have corrected this.

i salute being astute, reading carefully, , questioning when doesn't make sense - it's rather lost art these days. if you're doing part of course, might want mention professor or on class discussion board. otherwise, let's hope next person finds question , answer.


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