Maven 3 Nexus - Unable to download artifacts from remote Repository -

i have maven 3 nexus installed on server. through nexus gui, have added proxy repository of repository policy "snapshot" , url remote vendor url, artifacts/plugins required downloaded. have added newly added proxy repository public repositories under ordered group repositories.

post above activity, have tried build project using mvn clean install. build failing due missing artefacts vendor url.

in nexus, when go under public repository , under browse storage, not see artefact folder, should have been downloaded remote repository.

the "browse remote" on newly created repository working fine , can navigate required artifacts.

i not sure doing wrong. appreciated.

if while first run of :

mvn clean install 

the required artefact not available on nexus, maybe cache localy (on laptop) not found.

maybe have tell maven update cache using -u option ?

mvn clean install -u 

the other solution mismatch snapshot/release repository information. check repository policy proxy configuration on nexus server proxy.
