c# - File name not showing completely -

this question has answer here:

on our asp.net project, users can download files. here's code i'm using download part:

string localupload = configurationmanager.appsettings["pastaeditais"].tostring();                     string nomearquivo = licitacao.getedital();                 fileinfo fi = new fileinfo(localupload + nomearquivo); response.clear(); response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + licitacao.getedital()); response.addheader("content-length", fi.length.tostring()); response.contenttype = "application/octet-stream"; response.writefile(fi.fullname); response.end(); 

if filename doesn't have white spaces on it, appears normally.

for example: if name ati_06-07-2014.txt, appear this. if has white spaces, part of name shown on download dialog box.

ati 06-07-2014.txt shown 'ati'

how can fix this?

add quotes filename:

response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + licitacao.getedital() + "\""); 


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