Elasticsearch multi_field type search and sort issue -

i'm having issue multi_field mapping type in 1 of indexes , not sure issue is. use similar mapping in index , don't have these issues. es version 90.12

i have set have mapping looks this:

{   "settings": {     "index": {       "number_of_shards": 10,       "number_of_replicas": 1     }   },   "mappings": {     "production": {       "properties": {         "production_title": {           "type": "multi_field",           "fields": {             "production_title_edgengram": {               "type": "string",               "index": "analyzed",               "index_analyzer": "autocomplete_index",               "search_analyzer": "autocomplete_search"             },             "production_title": {               "type": "string",               "index": "not_analyzed"             }           }         }       }     }   } } 

the .yml looks this:

index:   mapper:     dynamic: true   analysis:     analyzer:       autocomplete_index:         tokenizer: keyword         filter: ["lowercase", "autocomplete_ngram"]       autocomplete_search:         tokenizer: keyword         filter: lowercase       ngram_index:         tokenizer: keyword         filter: ["ngram_filter"]       ngram_search:         tokenizer: keyword         filter: lowercase     filter:       autocomplete_ngram:         type: edgengram         min_gram: 1         max_gram: 15         side: front       ngram_filter:         type: ngram         min_gram: 2         max_gram: 8 

so doing this:

curl -xget 'http://localhost:9200/productionindex/production/_search' -d '{   "sort": [     {       "production_title": "asc"     }   ],   "size": 1 }' 


curl -xget 'http://localhost:9200/productionindex/production/_search' -d '{   "sort": [     {       "production_title": "desc"     }   ],   "size": 1 }' 

i end exact same result somewhere in middle of alphabet:

"production_title": "il, 'hoodoo love'" 

however, if this:

{   "query": {     "term": {       "production_title": "il, 'hoodoo love'"     }   } } 

i 0 results.

furthermore, if this:

{   "query": {     "match": {       "production_title_edgengram": "il"     }   } } 

i 0 results.

if don't use multi_field , separate them out, can search on them fine, (term , autocomplete) still can't sort.

while indexing sending production_title when indexing multi_field.

does have idea going on here?

below please find explain (last result brevity)

{   "_shard": 6,   "_node": "j-d2sypct0qzt1ld1rckog",   "_index": "productionindex",   "_type": "production",   "_id": "casting_call.productiondatetime.689",   "_score": null,   "_source": {     "venue_state": "wa",     "updated_date": "2014-03-10t12:08:13.927273",     "django_id": 689,     "production_types": [       69,       87,       89     ],     "production_title": "wa, 'footloose'"   },   "sort": [     null   ],   "_explanation": {     "value": 1.0,     "description": "constantscore(cache(_type:audition)), product of:",     "details": [       {         "value": 1.0,         "description": "boost"       },       {         "value": 1.0,         "description": "querynorm"       }     ]   } } 

from curl:

curl -xpost 'http://localhost:9200/productionindex/production/_search?pretty=true&explain=true' -d '{   "query": {     "match_all": {}   },   "sort": [     {       "production_title": {         "order": "desc"       }     }   ] }' 


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