AngularJS: Adding other directives via directive -

i'm trying create simple pop-up indicator when form input has invalid value.

right now, have service handles setting form values invalid based upon results of call server:

var item = form[error.propertyname]; item.$setvalidity('error', false); item.errormessage = error.message; 

so on these models i'm setting property called 'errormessage' whatever sent server.

to message popup, i've created directive uses angular-ui bootstrap tooltip directive:

myapp.directive('validationpopup', function ($compile) {     return {         restrict: 'a',         priority: 10000,         terminal: true,         require: '^form',         compile: function compile($element, $attrs) {             delete ($attrs['validationpopup']);             $element.removeattr('validation-popup');              $element.attr('tooltip', '{{errormessage}}');             $element.attr('tooltip-trigger', 'focus');              return {                 pre: function (scope, element, attrs, formctrl) { },                 post: function (scope, element, attrs, formctrl) {                     $compile(element)(scope);                     scope.$watch(function () { return (formctrl[] == undefined) ? undefined : formctrl[].$invalid; }, function (invalid) {                         if (invalid != undefined) {                             scope.errormessage = formctrl[].errormessage || '';                         }                     });                 }             };         }     }; 

since don't have lot of experience making directives, , since i've cobbled various other answers on here, question is correct way of adding other directives existing element? appears working correctly; however, wasn't sure if going run issues down line (or performance problems).


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