Matlab: create objects with source information -

i loading file ...

obj = load('foo1.txt'); % obj double array of size (ny,nx) 

however, there many such files , wish parse save them in array

asdf = zeros(1, numobjs); index = 1:numobjs     obj = load(sprintf(foo%d.txt,index));     asdf(index) = obj; end 

in case, procedure fails since number of objects in asdf(i), namely size of ... 1 ~= size of obj ... sizeof(obj).

i tried fooling around struct, couldn't find suitable solution.


you can use cell array instead:

asdf{numobjs} = [];  % intialises; not preallocate memory cell contents  index = 1:numobjs     asdf{index} = load(sprintf(foo%d.txt,index)); end 
