fopen in Mainframe (C language) -

i'm working on opening file mainframe. currently, can't access input file wanted. don't know if there wrong c code or jcl. me out?

here code:

int main()                                                {                                                           file *ifp, *ofp;                                           printf("ctrace1\n");                                      ifp = fopen("dd:inputf", "rb, recfm=vb, lrecl=50");       printf("ctrace2\n");                                      ofp = fopen("dd:outputf","w");                            printf("ctrace3\n");                                       fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), linesz, ifp );             printf( "number of characters read = %i\n", num );   printf( "buffer = %s\n", buffer );                            dstr = (datastr*) buffer;                                     printf("var_a = %.*s\n", sizeof(dstr->var_a), dstr->var_a);  printf("var_b = %.*s\n", sizeof(dstr->var_b), dstr->var_b);  printf("var_c = %.*s\n", sizeof(dstr->var_c), dstr->var_c);  printf("ctrace4\n");                                          x[sizeof(x)+1]='\0';                                         y[sizeof(y)+1]='\0';                                         z[sizeof(z)+1]='\0';                                         printf("ctrace5\n");                                           memcpy(x, dstr->var_a,sizeof(dstr->var_a));                  memcpy(y, dstr->var_b,sizeof(dstr->var_b));                  memcpy(z, dstr->var_c,sizeof(dstr->var_c));                  printf("ctrace6\n");                                          printf("%s,%s,%s",x,y,z);                                    printf("ctrace7\n");                                          fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), linesz, ofp);                    fprintf(ofp,"%s,%s,%s\n",x,y,z);                               fclose(ifp);                                                 fclose(ofp);                                                 return(0);                                                  }                       

here's jcl:

 ...                                  //*         typrun=scan                                              //joblib    dd dsn=x543863.loadlib1,disp=shr                         //step1     exec pgm=cccgrate                                        //inputf    dd dsn=x543863.sample.input01,disp=shr                   //outputf   dd dsn=x543863.sample.output01,                          //            disp=(new,catlg,delete),                               //            space=(cyl,(1,1,45)),                                  //            dcb=(recfm=fb,lrecl=50)                                //sysout    dd sysout=*                                              //   

without knowing output get, @ best difficult say.

are trying copy variable-length records fixed-length records?

two things. on fopen input file not need specify dcb information - recfm=vb , lrecl=50 not needed (the information if not specified, taken jcl (if present) or catalog (which correct)).

since not needed, have got them wrong :-)

take them off, , try program.

looking @ have there , have specified output, either vb wrong (you writing fb) or 50 wrong (if have 50 bytes of data, logically have fb definition, the lrecl vb should 54, because 4 bytes data needed include rdw (record descriptor word)).

the nothing wrong jcl, no way tell whether files , definitions of files correct.

down now. if still can't fix it, provide information.


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