Using Arrays Java -
my question is:
- is code correct , assigned wheel speeds , duration
- what need in order add main method run code
- use loop iterate through each row, instructing finch robot move according numbers in each row. pause after each movement using code joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,"click ok continue...");
public class fincharray {
public static final int left_wheel = 0; public static final int right_wheel = 1; public static final int duration = 2;{ int[][] x = new int[10][3]; // 2d array filled zeros int time = 25; (int[] row : x) { row[2] = time; time += 25; } (int[] row : x) { row[duration] = time; time += 25; } (int[] row : x){ row[left_wheel] = time; time += 25; } (int[] row : x){ row[right_wheel] = time; time += 25; } finch frobot = new finch(); frobot.setwheelvelocities(left_wheel,right_wheel,duration); long before = system.currenttimemillis(); while (system.currenttimemillis() - before < 5000){ if(frobot.isobstacle())break; { } frobot.stopwheels(); frobot.quit(); } }
you can initialize 2d array (which, in java, array of 1d arrays) this:
int[][] x = new int[10][3]; // 2d array filled zeros int time = 25; (int[] row : x) { row[2] = time; time += 25; }
this uses enhanced for
loop , equivalent this:
int[][] x = new int[10][3]; // array filled zeros int time = 25; (int = 0; < x.length; ++i) { int[] row = x[i]; row[2] = time; time += 25; }
note leaves left , right wheel speeds @ default values of zero.
your current code first creating 10x3 2d array, loop reassigning each row new 10-element array, end 10x10 array (which not want).
p.s. using 3-element array represent 3 distinct pieces of data not programming style (although work fine). slight improvement can obtained using symbolic constants subscripts. declare @ top of class:
public static final int left_wheel = 0; public static final int right_wheel = 1; public static final int duration = 2;
then use these index each row:
for (int[] row : x) { row[duration] = time; time += 25; }
since each row represents 3 different attributes, better approach define separate class contains data:
public class step { public int leftwheelspeed; public int rightwheelspeed; public int duration; }
then instead of 2d array of int
values, can declare 1d array of step
step[] x = new step[10]; int time = 25; (step step : x) { step.duration = time; time += 25; }
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