c++ - How to read a binary file given as input at terminal in c# -

i new c# , trying read binary file. in c++ :

int main(int argc, char * * argv)  {     file * fp;     fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); //argv[1] because while executing @ terminal binary file read @ second postion "./filename.c binaryinutfile.bin" @ argv[0] have ./filename.c , @ argv[1] have binaryfile.bin     ch = fgetc(fp);     while (fread( & ch, sizeof(ch), 1, fp))      {         add_symbol(ch); //this add_symbol()i use somewhere else, not important now.     }     fclose(fp);  } 

so want in writing equivalent c# code.thanks helpers. note: don't know size of file , name of file it's binary file, mean user can change binary file @ terminal should work number of binary files check output. , execute @ terminal "mono filename.exe binaryfile.bin" filename.exe file formed compiling filename.cs (by doing "gmcs filename.cs") contain code , binaryfile.cs bbianry file tested on code , "mono" have used because working on ubantu , compile using "gmcs filename.cs" give filename.exe , execute "mono filename.exe binaryfile.bin"

there lots of ways read file in c#. if want stream approach looks like:

public static void main(string[] args) {     // command line arguments in args     using (var stream = new binaryreader(system.io.file.openread(args[0])))     {         while (stream.basestream.position < stream.basestream.length)         {             // sorts of functions reading here:             byte processingvalue = stream.readbyte();         }     } } 

if processing smaller file, there option of reading entire file memory (string variable) following call:

string entirefile = system.io.file.readalltext(filenamepath); 

either works - use going depend on situation. best of luck!

edit - edited example include main routine demonstrated. use example need create "console application" project , build using either visual studio or using command line (msbuild or equivalent). hope sets on right track!


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