c# - Pulling single elements for headers from a List Model -

i have list model several rows. in model, pull out parts display in top of page, titles data , data parts itself. when pull list or ienumeration view display data expected, not able display first() or other way of getting these headers out. should go view display way?

header row event name , date (currently in each row of list) groups or tables of data own headers based on data in list data detail per group above.

i have partial view loop through core data..

advice please?

code messy, here is:


@model ienumerable<emanager.web2.models.eventclasscomplistvm>  @{     viewbag.title = "eventcompclassreport"; }  <h2>eventcompclassreport</h2>   <table class="table">      @html.displayfor(model => model.eventname) //tried several ways identify this, in list no way single out.           @html.editorformodel()  }  </table> 

partial view (works expected looping through list)

@model emanager.web2.models.eventclasscomplistvm <tr>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.comp_eventid)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.compname)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.classname)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.classorder)     </td>     <td>         @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.iscrossover)     </td> </tr>     

controller class (although returning several rows of data)

 public actionresult buildeventclassreports()         {             var model = o in _db.events                            join o2 in _db.event_classes on o.eventid equals o2.eventid                            o.eventid.equals(o2.eventid)                            join o3 in _db.event_class_compeditors_s on o2.eventclassid equals o3.eventclassid                            o2.eventclassid.equals(o3.eventclassid)                            join o4 in _db.compeditors on o3.compeditorid equals o4.compeditorid                            o3.compeditorid.equals(o4.compeditorid)                            join o5 in _db.class_definitions on o2.classid equals o5.class_definition_id                            o2.classid.equals(o5.class_definition_id)                            o.currentevent.equals(true)                            orderby o2.classorder                            //orderby o3.comp_eventid                             select new eventclasscomplistvm {                                                              eventname = o.eventname,                                                             eventdate = o.date_end,                                                             classname = o5.class_name,                                                             comp_eventid = o3.comp_eventid,                                                             classorder = o2.classorder,                                                             compname = (o4.firstname + " " + o4.lastname),                                                             iscrossover = o3.iscrossover };              return view(model); 


some new code has gotten me closer.. cannot see how few data parts out of first foreach. line of code @html.display not working.. text "mumbo jumbo" works great , splits groups. appreciated.!!

current view code:

   <h2>         @(model.any() ? model.first().eventname : "")         @(model.any() ? model.first().eventdate.toshortdatestring() : "")      </h2>          @foreach (var group in model.groupby(item => item.classid))                 {                         <tr><td><b>mumbo jumbo</b>                             </td></tr>             @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.classname) //cannot line work.                       foreach (var item in group)                     {                         <tr>                             <td>                                 @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.comp_eventid)                             </td>                             <td>                                 @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.compname)                             </td>                             <td>                                 @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.classname)                             </td>                             <td>                                 @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.classorder)                             </td>                             <td>                                 @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.iscrossover)                             </td>                         </tr>                      }                  } 

i'm sure there's better way this, can think of right store titles separate list.

create new class model view , include list of titles data. e.g.

public class mainviewmodel {     public ienumerable<string> titles { get; set;}     public ienumerable<emanager.web2.models.eventclasscomplistvm> models { get; set;} } 

populate class accordingly in buildeventclassreports() action, , pass class view.

you can pass model.eventclasscomplistvm partial view using @html.partial("viewname", model.eventclasscomplistvm)


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