java - XML Parsing with XPath -

so pretty new xml parsing, looked around , found info of value me. came across called xpath , thought might work. unfortunately, having trouble it.

currently trying string using line of code:

string summaryfedex = (string) xpath.evaluate("/soap-env:envelope/soap-env:body/v4:trackreply/v4:highestseverity", dom, xpathconstants.string); 

before ask, dom fine. leaves me believe expression wrong.

below have xml trying parse. maybe give assistance?

i should note: trying "v4:highestseverity" data.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap-env:envelope xmlns:soap-env="">    <soap-env:header />    <soap-env:body>       <v4:trackreply xmlns:v4="">          <v4:highestseverity>error</v4:highestseverity>          <v4:notifications>             <v4:severity>error</v4:severity>             <v4:source>prof</v4:source>             <v4:code>1000</v4:code>             <v4:message>authentication failed</v4:message>          </v4:notifications>          <v4:transactiondetail>             <v4:customertransactionid>tc030_wsvc_track_v4 _pos</v4:customertransactionid>             <v4:localization>                <v4:languagecode>en</v4:languagecode>             </v4:localization>          </v4:transactiondetail>          <v4:version>             <v4:serviceid>trck</v4:serviceid>             <v4:major>4</v4:major>             <v4:intermediate>0</v4:intermediate>             <v4:minor>0</v4:minor>          </v4:version>       </v4:trackreply>    </soap-env:body> </soap-env:envelope> 

if want read data , won't have conflicts ignoring namespace, can use xpath expression ignores namespaces, this:


it's same xpath selecting * element, , adding predicate [...] limit elements ones have matching local name.

if need preserve namespaces, have register prefixes. can implementing namespacecontext , setting xpath object reference before performing search:

xpath.setnamespacecontext(new namespacecontext() {     public string getnamespaceuri(string prefix) {         if (prefix.equals("soap-env")) {             return "";         } else if (prefix.equals("v4")) {             return "";         } else {             return xmlconstants.null_ns_uri;         }     }     public string getprefix(string namespaceuri) { return null;}     public iterator getprefixes(string namespaceuri) { return null;} }); 


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