jquery - Ajax request not sent error unknown in Firefox -

when doing synchronous ajax request in firefox 27.0.1, fedora 20, jquery 1.11.0:

$.ajax(ajaxparam).then(     function (r) {         html = r.html;     },     function (jqxhr) {         console.log(json.stringify([jqxhr, $.ajaxsettings, ajaxparam], null, 4));     } ); 

it works in chrome 33.0.1750.146 linux in firefox no request sent server , errors out:

[     {         "readystate": 0,         "status": 0,         "statustext": "[exception... \"<no message>\"  nsresult: \"0x805e0006 (<unknown>)\"  location: \"js frame :: http://example.com/static/jquery-1.11.0.min.js :: .send :: line 4\"  data: no]"     },     {         "url": "http://example.com/pt/br",         "type": "get",         "islocal": false,         "global": true,         "processdata": true,         "async": true,         "contenttype": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",         "accepts": {             "*": "*/*",             "text": "text/plain",             "html": "text/html",             "xml": "application/xml, text/xml",             "json": "application/json, text/javascript",             "script": "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"         },         "contents": {             "xml": {},             "html": {},             "json": {},             "script": {}         },         "responsefields": {             "xml": "responsexml",             "text": "responsetext",             "json": "responsejson"         },         "converters": {             "text html": true         },         "flatoptions": {             "url": true,             "context": true         },         "jsonp": "callback",         "cache": false,         "traditional": true,         "datatype": "json"     },     {         "url": "/advert/pt/br",         "data": {             "realty_id": "2"         },         "async": false,         "type": "get"     } ] 

the nserror 0x805e0006 ns_error_content_blocked

answering epascarello

that ajax call inside function

function popupopen(params, page, html) {     loadscripts();     var ajaxparam = {             url: '/' + page.url + '/' + $('#lang_code').val() + '/' + $('#terr_code').val(),             data: params,             async: false,             type: page.method,             traditional: false         },         realtyid = params.realty_id;     if (!html) {         $.ajax(ajaxparam).then(             function (r) {                 html = r.html;             },             function (jqxhr) {                 console.log(jqxhr, $.ajaxsettings, ajaxparam);             }         );     } 

and popupopen called click listener in google map

gm.event.addlistener(marker[realtyid], 'click', function () {     infowindow[realtyid].open(map, marker[realtyid]);     popupopen({ realty_id: realtyid }, realtyid === 0 ? pageo.modify : pageo.advert); }); 

since target url had advert world adblock plus blocking it. happened me before going in production.


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