How to compare only date part with linq expression? -

i want make column filter grid view. simple want filter grid view column stuff. here have created 1 iqueryable returns queryable result.

here code :


public static iqueryable<t> filterforcolumn<t>(this iqueryable<t> queryable, string colname, string searchtext) {     if (colname != null && searchtext != null)     {         var parameter = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "m");         var propertyexpression =, colname);         system.linq.expressions.constantexpression searchexpression = null;         system.reflection.methodinfo containsmethod = null;         system.linq.expressions.methodcallexpression body = null;         system.nullable<datetime> nextdate = null;         expression ex1 = null;         expression ex2 = null;         switch (colname)         {             case "jobid":             case "filesize":             case "totalfilesize":                 int64? size = convert.toint64(searchtext);                 searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                 containsmethod = typeof(int64?).getmethod("equals", new[] { typeof(int64?) });                 body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                 break;             case "publishdate":             case "birth_date":             case "anniversary_date":             case "profile_updated_datetime":             case "completedon":                 datetime? currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                 nextdate = currentdate.value.adddays(1);                 ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate));                 ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate));                 body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                 break;             case "created_datetime":             case "reminder_date":             case "news_date":             case "thought_date":             case "subscriptiondatetime":             case "register_datetime":             case "createdon":                 datetime dt1 = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                 nextdate = currentdate.value.adddays(1);                 ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate));                 ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate));                 body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                 break;             default :                 searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                 containsmethod = typeof(string).getmethod("contains", new[] { typeof(string) });                 body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                 break;         }         var predicate = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, new[] { parameter });         return queryable.where(predicate);     }     else     {         return queryable;     } } 

here solution gives compile time error :

error   9   cannot implicitly convert type 'system.linq.expressions.binaryexpression' 'system.linq.expressions.methodcallexpression' f:\easyweb\app_code\helper.cs   47  28  f:\easyweb\ 

here @ case of datetime want filter datetime column date not whole datetime value.

here put required things :

select [t8].[id], [t8].[title], [t8].[value] [publisher], [t8].[value2] [touser], [t8].[sent_datetime] [publishdate], [t8].[isfileattached] [isfile], [t8].[category_name] [categoryname], [t8].[value3] [status_name], [t8].[value4] [group_name], [t8].[totalfilesize] [filesize] (     select [t0].[id], [t0].[title], (         select top (1) [t3].[value]         (             select ([t2].[first_name] + ' ') + [t2].[last_name] [value], [t2].[id]             [dbo].[tbl_user_master] [t2]             ) [t3]         [t3].[id] = [t0].[user_id]         ) [value], (         select top (1) [t5].[value]         (             select ([t4].[first_name] + ' ') + [t4].[last_name] [value], [t4].[id]             [dbo].[tbl_user_master] [t4]             ) [t5]         ([t5].[id]) = [t0].[touser_id]         ) [value2], [t0].[sent_datetime], [t0].[isfileattached], [t1].[category_name], (         select top (1) [t6].[status_name]         [dbo].[tbl_status_master] [t6]         ([t6].[id]) = [t0].[status_id]         ) [value3], (         select top (1) [t7].[group_name]         [dbo].[tbl_group_master] [t7]         ([t7].[id]) = [t0].[group_id]         ) [value4], [t0].[totalfilesize], [t0].[touser_id], [t0].[user_id]     [dbo].[tbl_post_history] [t0]     inner join [dbo].[tbl_category_master] [t1] on [t0].[category_id] = [t1].[id]     ) [t8] (cast(convert(char(10), [t8].[sent_datetime], 102) datetime) = '12/24/2013' ) , (([t8].[touser_id] = 3) or ([t8].[touser_id] null)) , ([t8].[user_id] <> 3) order [t8].[sent_datetime] desc 

here shows required output or logic queryable.

but, here 1 drawback occurs while method equals check whole date time. possible method force check date part column?


for overwhelming problem use technique :

 public static iqueryable<t> filterforcolumn<t>(this iqueryable<t> queryable, string colname, string searchtext)     {         if (colname != null && searchtext != null)         {             var parameter = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "m");             var propertyexpression =, colname);             system.linq.expressions.constantexpression searchexpression = null;             system.reflection.methodinfo containsmethod = null;             system.linq.expressions.binaryexpression body = null;             datetime? currentdate = null;             datetime? nextdate = null;             expression ex1 = null;             expression ex2 = null;             switch (colname)             {                 case "jobid":                 case "filesize":                 case "totalfilesize":                     int64? size = convert.toint64(searchtext);                     searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                     containsmethod = typeof(int64?).getmethod("equals", new[] { typeof(int64?) });                     //body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                     break;                 case "publishdate":                 case "birth_date":                 case "anniversary_date":                 case "profile_updated_datetime":                 case "completedon":                     currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                     nextdate = currentdate.value.adddays(1);                     ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate));                     ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate));                     body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                     break;                 case "created_datetime":                 case "reminder_date":                 case "news_date":                 case "thought_date":                 case "subscriptiondatetime":                 case "register_datetime":                 case "createdon":                     currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                     nextdate = currentdate.value.adddays(1);                     ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate));                     ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate));                     body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                     break;                 default :                     searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                     containsmethod = typeof(string).getmethod("contains", new[] { typeof(string) });                     //body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                     break;             }             var predicate = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, new[] { parameter });             return queryable.where(predicate);         }         else         {             return queryable;         }     } 

it's give me run time error :

server error in '/easyweb' application.  binary operator greaterthanorequal not defined types 'system.nullable`1[system.datetime]' , 'system.datetime'.  description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.   exception details: system.invalidoperationexception: binary operator greaterthanorequal not defined types 'system.nullable`1[system.datetime]' , 'system.datetime'.  source error:    line 44:                     currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null); line 45:                     nextdate = currentdate.value.adddays(1); line 46:                     ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate)); line 47:                     ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate)); line 48:                     body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);  source file: f:\easyweb\app_code\helper.cs    line: 46   stack trace:    [invalidoperationexception: binary operator greaterthanorequal not defined types 'system.nullable`1[system.datetime]' , 'system.datetime'.]    system.linq.expressions.expression.getuserdefinedbinaryoperatororthrow(expressiontype binarytype, string name, expression left, expression right, boolean lifttonull) +752213    system.linq.expressions.expression.getcomparisonoperator(expressiontype binarytype, string opname, expression left, expression right, boolean lifttonull) +221    system.linq.expressions.expression.greaterthanorequal(expression left, expression right, boolean lifttonull, methodinfo method) +53    system.linq.expressions.expression.greaterthanorequal(expression left, expression right) +8    helper.filterforcolumn(iqueryable`1 queryable, string colname, string searchtext) in f:\easyweb\app_code\helper.cs:46    admin_post_history.fillgrid(string commandname, string columnname, string searchtext) in f:\easyweb\admin\post_history.aspx.cs:79    admin_post_history.btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) in f:\easyweb\admin\post_history.aspx.cs:2375    system.web.ui.webcontrols.button.onclick(eventargs e) +111    system.web.ui.webcontrols.button.raisepostbackevent(string eventargument) +110    system.web.ui.webcontrols.button.system.web.ui.ipostbackeventhandler.raisepostbackevent(string eventargument) +10 sourcecontrol, string eventargument) +13 postdata) +36 includestagesbeforeasyncpoint, boolean includestagesafterasyncpoint) +1565  version information: microsoft .net framework version:2.0.50727.3053; version:2.0.50727.3053 

-------------------------------- 3 update-------------------------------------------

here i'm querying :

case "inbox":                         lbl_disply.text = "inbox";                         lbut_showinbox.font.bold = true;                         lbut_showoutbox.font.bold = false;                         lbut_showdraffs.font.bold = false;                         lbut_showtrash.font.bold = false;                         var query1 = db.posts.where(p => (p.touser_id.equals(user_id) || p.touser_id.equals(null)) && p.user_id != user_id).orderbydescending(p=>p.sent_datetime).select(p => new                         {                             id =,                             title = p.title,                             publisher = db.users.where(u => => u.first_name + ' ' + u.last_name).firstordefault(),                             touser = db.users.where(u => => u.first_name + ' ' + u.last_name).firstordefault(),                             publishdate = p.sent_datetime,                             isfile = p.isfileattached,                             categoryname = db.categories.where(c => => c.category_name).firstordefault(),                             status_name = db.status.where(s => => s.status_name).firstordefault(),                             group_name = db.groups.where(g => => g.group_name).firstordefault(),                             filesize = p.totalfilesize                         }).filterforcolumn(columnname, searchtext).tolist(); 

at grid view filling

dataset mydataset = new dataset();                         datatable dt = new datatable();                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("id", typeof(int)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("isread", typeof(bool)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("isimp", typeof(bool)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("title", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("publisher", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("touser", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("publishdate", typeof(datetime?)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("isfile", typeof(bool)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("categoryname", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("status_name", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("group_name", typeof(string)));                         dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("filesize", typeof(string)));                         foreach (var item in query1) 

i declared publishdate typeof(datetime?) gives me run time error :

server error in '/easyweb' application.  dataset not support system.nullable<>.  description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.   exception details: system.notsupportedexception: dataset not support system.nullable<>.  source error:    line 101:                        dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("publisher", typeof(string))); line 102:                        dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("touser", typeof(string))); line 103:                        dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("publishdate", typeof(datetime?))); line 104:                        dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("isfile", typeof(bool))); line 105:                        dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("categoryname", typeof(string)));  source file: f:\easyweb\admin\post_history.aspx.cs    line: 103   stack trace:    [notsupportedexception: dataset not support system.nullable<>.] columnname, type datatype, string expr, mappingtype type) +4826536 columnname, type datatype) +12    admin_post_history.fillgrid(string commandname, string columnname, string searchtext) in f:\easyweb\admin\post_history.aspx.cs:103    admin_post_history.page_load(object sender, eventargs e) in f:\easyweb\admin\post_history.aspx.cs:59    system.web.util.callihelper.eventargfunctioncaller(intptr fp, object o, object t, eventargs e) +14    system.web.util.callieventhandlerdelegateproxy.callback(object sender, eventargs e) +35    system.web.ui.control.onload(eventargs e) +99    system.web.ui.control.loadrecursive() +50 includestagesbeforeasyncpoint, boolean includestagesafterasyncpoint) +627  version information: microsoft .net framework version:2.0.50727.3053; version:2.0.50727.3053 

---------------------------------4 update----------------------------------------

i check dbml file , screen shot verify it's nullable

enter image description here

to achieve want can use predicate

where sent_datetime >= '20131224' , sent_datetime < '20131225' 

so can use expression

datetime currentdate = datetime.parseexact("06/01/2008", "dd/mm/yyyy", null); datetime nextdate = currentdate.adddays(1);  expression ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(                        propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate)); expression ex2 = expression.lessthan(                        propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate)); expression body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);  var predicate = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, new[] { parameter }); 

of course, here have sargable predicate.


i've created complete example you:

public static iqueryable<t> filterforcolumn<t>(this iqueryable<t> queryable, string colname, string searchtext) {    if (colname != null && searchtext != null)    {        var parameter = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "m");        var propertyexpression =, colname);        system.linq.expressions.constantexpression searchexpression = null;        system.reflection.methodinfo containsmethod = null;        // must of type expression accept different type of expressions        // i.e. binaryexpression, methodcallexpression, ...        system.linq.expressions.expression body = null;        expression ex1 = null;        expression ex2 = null;        switch (colname)        {            case "jobid":            case "filesize":            case "totalfilesize":                int64? size = convert.toint64(searchtext);                searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                containsmethod = typeof(int64?).getmethod("equals", new[] { typeof(int64?) });                body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                break;            // section datetime? properties            case "publishdate":            case "birth_date":            case "anniversary_date":            case "profile_updated_datetime":            case "completedon":                datetime currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                datetime nextdate = currentdate.adddays(1);                ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate, typeof(datetime?)));                ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate, typeof(datetime?)));                body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                break;            // section datetime properties            case "created_datetime":            case "reminder_date":            case "news_date":            case "thought_date":            case "subscriptiondatetime":            case "register_datetime":            case "createdon":                datetime currentdate = datetime.parseexact(searchtext, "dd/mm/yyyy", null);                datetime nextdate = currentdate.adddays(1);                ex1 = expression.greaterthanorequal(propertyexpression, expression.constant(currentdate));                ex2 = expression.lessthan(propertyexpression, expression.constant(nextdate));                body = expression.andalso(ex1, ex2);                break;            default :                searchexpression = expression.constant(searchtext);                containsmethod = typeof(string).getmethod("contains", new[] { typeof(string) });                body =, containsmethod, searchexpression);                break;        }        var predicate = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, new[] { parameter });        return queryable.where(predicate);    }    else    {        return queryable;    } } 


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