php - How to modify two databes tables in one form in Yii -

i have created 1 form eddit 1 table(hotel_rooms) in database website page, works perdectcly. need include fields,not table, table (hotel_rooms_checked)in edditing web page of privious table (hotel_rooms) how can please ? = here code form

    <?php     /* @var $this hotelroomscontroller */     /* @var $model hotelrooms */     /* @var $form cactiveform */     ?>      <div class="form">      <?php $form=$this->beginwidget('cactiveform', array(         'id'=>'hotel-rooms-form',         'enableajaxvalidation'=>false,     )); ?>          <p class="note">fields <span class="required">*</span> required.</p>          <?php echo $form->errorsummary($model); ?>          <div class="row">             <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'id'); ?>             <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'id',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>255)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model,'id'); ?>         </div>  .......     <?php $this->endwidget(); ?>      </div><!-- form --> 

and controller code

public function actionupdate($id)     {         $model=$this->loadmodel($id);          // uncomment following line if ajax validation needed         // $this->performajaxvalidation($model);          if(isset($_post['hotelrooms']))         {             $model->attributes=$_post['hotelrooms'];             if($model->save())         // $this->redirect(yii::app()->request->urlreferrer);                  $this->redirect(array('hotels/index','id'=>$model->id));         }          $this->render('update',array(             'model'=>$model,         ));     } 

the view code is

<?php /* @var $this hotelroomscontroller */ /* @var $model hotelrooms */  $this->breadcrumbs=array(     'hotel rooms'=>array('index'),     $model->id, );  $this->menu=array(     array('label'=>'list hotelrooms', 'url'=>array('index')),     array('label'=>'create hotelrooms', 'url'=>array('create')),     array('label'=>'update hotelrooms', 'url'=>array('update', 'id'=>$model->id)),     array('label'=>'delete hotelrooms', 'url'=>'#', 'linkoptions'=>array('submit'=>array('delete','id'=>$model->id),'confirm'=>'are sure want delete item?')),     array('label'=>'manage hotelrooms', 'url'=>array('admin')), ); ?>  <h1>view room : <?php echo $model->id; ?></h1>  <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.cdetailview', array(     'data'=>$model,     'data'=>$model2,     'attributes'=>array(         'id',         'hotelname',         'hotelroomstype',         ....     ), )); ?> 

the structure oh tables

hotel_rooms id hotelname hotelroomstype .....  hotel_rooms_checked id datecheckedin datecheckedout .... 

well, question seems not clear enough. try guess want though.

for view, add fields other model (i suppose have created model hotel_rooms_checked)

<?php     /* @var $this propunitcontroller */     /* @var $model hotelrooms */     /* @var $model2 hotelroomschecked */     /* @var $form cactiveform */     ?>      <div class="form">      <?php $form=$this->beginwidget('cactiveform', array(         'id'=>'hotel-rooms-form',         'enableajaxvalidation'=>false,     )); ?>          <p class="note">fields <span class="required">*</span> required.</p>          <?php echo $form->errorsummary(array($model, $model2)); ?>          <div class="row">             <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'id'); ?>             <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'id',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>255)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model,'id'); ?>         </div>          <!--for example, let's have attribute `status` hotelroomschecked-->         <div class="row">             <?php echo $form->labelex($model2,'status'); ?>             <?php echo $form->textfield($model2,'status',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>255)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model2,'status'); ?>         </div>  .......     <?php $this->endwidget(); ?>      </div><!-- form --> 

and controller, perform validation both models before saving.

public function actionupdate($id)     {         $model=$this->loadmodel($id);         $model2 = hotelroomschecked::model()->findbypk($id);          // uncomment following line if ajax validation needed         // $this->performajaxvalidation($model);          if(isset($_post['hotelrooms']) && isset($_post['hotelroomschecked']))         {             $model->attributes=$_post['hotelrooms'];             $model2->attributes = $_post['hotelroomschecked'];             $valid = $model->validate();             $valid = $valid && $model2->validate();              if($valid) {         // $this->redirect(yii::app()->request->urlreferrer);                 $model->save();                 $model2->save();                 $this->redirect(array('hotels/index','id'=>$model->id));             }         }          $this->render('update',array(             'model'=>$model,             'model2' => $model2,         ));     } 


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