ruby on rails - Using paperclip gem to add an attachment -
i've attempted use paperclip gem add attachments contact model. looks though can add attachment - can select file without problem. when create contact, attachment not saved. know because can see in rails console document_id 'nil'.
in _form.html.erb creating new contact, have:
<%= simple_form_for(@contact, html: {class: "form-inline well", multipart: true}, role: "form") |f| %> <% if @contact.errors.any? %> <div id="error_explanation"> <h2><%= pluralize(@contact.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited contact being saved:</h2> <ul> <% @contact.errors.full_messages.each |msg| %> <li><%= msg %></li> <% end %> </ul> </div> <% end %> <div class="form-group"> <%= f.input :name %> <%= f.input :category %> <%= f.input :area %> <%= f.input :phone %> <%= f.input :website %> <%= f.input :email %> <%= f.fields_for :document |document_fields| %> <%= document_fields.input :attachment, as: :file %> <% end %> <%= f.button :submit, class: "btn-success" %> </div> <% end %>
my db migration was:
class createdocuments < activerecord::migration def change create_table :documents |t| t.integer :user_id t.timestamps end add_index :documents, :user_id add_attachment :documents, :add_attachment add_column :contacts, :document_id, :integer end end
my model document.rb is:
class document < activerecord::base has_attached_file :attachment, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png" validates_attachment_content_type :attachment, :content_type => /\aimage\/.*\z/ end
and contact.rb is:
class contact < activerecord::base belongs_to :user belongs_to :document accepts_nested_attributes_for :document validates :name, presence: true, length: { minimum: 2} validates :user_id, presence: true end
and actions in contacts_controller.rb are:
def create @contact = respond_to |format| if format.html { redirect_to @contact, notice: 'contact created.' } format.json { render action: 'show', status: :created, location: @contact } else format.html { render action: 'new' } format.json { render json: @contact.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def contact_params params.require(:contact).permit(:name, :email, :category, :area, :organisation, :website, :phone, :user_id, document_attributes: [:id, :attachment]) end # patch/put /contacts/1 # patch/put /contacts/1.json def update @contact = current_user.contacts.find(params[:id]) if params[:contact] && params[:contact].has_key?(:user_id) params[:contact].delete(:user_id) end respond_to |format| if @contact.update((contact_params)) format.html { redirect_to @contact, notice: 'contact updated.' } format.json { head :no_content } else format.html { render action: 'edit' } format.json { render json: @contact.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end
when try create new contact attachment, here heroku log:
2014-03-10t23:41:49.594786+00:00 app[web.1]: parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"fgitlgkhzfw15ykscusgdvwdb//cgmyomfh4ss4l63y=", "contact"=>{"name"=>"oliver ot", "category"=>"ot", "area"=>"rockdale", "phone"=>"", "website"=>"", "email"=>"", "document_attributes"=>{"attachment"=>#, @original_filename="screen shot 2014-03-03 @ 9.24.40 pm.png", @content_type="image/png", @headers="content-disposition: form-data; name=\"contact[document_attributes][attachment]\"; filename=\"screen shot 2014-03-03 @ 9.24.40 pm.png\"\r\ncontent-type: image/png\r\n">}}, "commit"=>"create contact"} 2014-03-10t23:41:49.594786+00:00 app[web.1]: parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"fgitlgkhzfw15ykscusgdvwdb//cgmyomfh4ss4l63y=", "contact"=>{"name"=>"oliver ot", "category"=>"ot", "area"=>"rockdale", "phone"=>"", "website"=>"", "email"=>"", "document_attributes"=>{"attachment"=>#, @original_filename="screen shot 2014-03-03 @ 9.24.40 pm.png", @content_type="image/png", @headers="content-disposition: form-data; name=\"contact[document_attributes][attachment]\"; filename=\"screen shot 2014-03-03 @ 9.24.40 pm.png\"\r\ncontent-type: image/png\r\n">}}, "commit"=>"create contact"}
i'm not sure how attachment save correctly?
move contact_params
method outside of update action can accessed create action , change following code.
def contact_params params.require(:contact).permit(:name, :email, :category, :area, :organisation, :website, :phone, :user_id, document_attributes: [:id, :attachment]) end
the code above allows id
, attachment
params document_attributes
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