
Showing posts from August, 2012

html - Disappearing <li> content. Alternating -

the css , html code below generate news interviews ---------------------- djing break dance ---------------------- why horizontal line disappear? the height of each <li> changed 53px, did not give needed effect. if <hr> inserted instead of <div> horizontal_line_rule, appears. div#footer{ /*font-family: ptserifnarrow, sans-serif;*/ /*background-color: #e6e6e6;*/ background-color: #050505; height: 23.75em; clear: both; } div#footer a{ color: inherit; } div#footer span{ color: #8f8f8f; } /* 9.03.2014. edited. */ div#footer > div#footer-container{ padding: 0 6.875em; /*padding-top: 1.312em;*/ padding-top: 2.624em; padding-right: 1.312em; width: 1380px; background-color: #050505; } div#footer-container > ul > li{ display: block; color: white; font-family: proxima nova, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; } div.horizontal_line_rule{ clear: both; width: 10%; background-color: #...

Understanding Virtual Address, Virtual Memory and Paging -

i've been learning these topics , read many articles , books lack complementary information , confused me more. here, i’d explain know while asking questions. hopefully, topic useful many me. i'd learn validity of knowledge , corrections if necessary. virtual memory some articles “virtual memory space of hard disk emulates physical memory can have more memory have.”. other articles “virtual memory combination of physical memory (ram), section of hard disk acts physical memory , page tables.” different things , don’t understand why there different explanations that. let’s go second explanation since how wikipedia describes virtual memory well. @ point virtual address makes sense since use address @ virtual memory instead of physical memory directly. by way, mac says have 8gb physical memory , 8gb virtual memory. in case vm include physical memory or amount of space in hd used memory? have 16gb memory available programs? question 1: intel i5 has 36 bit address b...

Android imageView very tiny -

i using relative layout , attempting have image @ top text field , button. the image ends bring tiny: <relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingbottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingleft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingright="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingtop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context="com.phppointofsale.phppointofsale.storeurlfragement" > <button android:id="@+id/continue_to_store" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignparentleft="true" android:layout_alignparentrigh...

ruby on rails - Coffeescript alert doesn't displays -

i might have error on coffeescript. have contact form , when submit don't have notice if succeed or fail. $(document).ready -> $("#new_contact").on("ajax:success", (e, data, status, xhr) -> $("#new_contact").append xhr.responsetext alert ":) received it" $(this.el).css("background-color", "#333") $('.contact_form').css({'background-color':'#88ff88'}).animate({'background-color':'#114411'}, 1000) ).bind "ajax:error", (e, xhr, status, error) -> $("#new_contact").append "<p>error</p>" alert "something went wrong :( try again or contact me email." the contact form on onepage app def create @contact =[:contact]) @contact.request = request respond_to |format| if @contact.deliver[:error] = nil format.html {redirect_to(root_path, :notice => "message...

datetimepicker - Jquery DateTime picker restriction -

i have problem here in jquery datetime picker $('#eta_add').datetimepicker({ ampm: true }); i've googled how disable future dates , works. problem how restrict date maximum time. example: 2014-03-10 23:59:59 try like: $('#eta_add').datetimepicker({ ampm: true hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, }); define time manually using these parameters: hour , minute , second

python - Fill NA Values in pandas Series with a stop -

i'm analyzing time series, , based on criteria, can pick out rows either start or end of events. @ point, series looks (i've left out repetitive values brevity): the setup import numpy np import pandas pandas import timestamp datadict = {'event': { timestamp('2010-01-01 00:20:00', tz=none): 'event start', timestamp('2010-01-01 00:30:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 00:40:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 00:50:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 01:00:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 01:10:00', tz=none): 'event end', timestamp('2010-01-01 01:20:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 02:20:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 02:30:00', tz=none): 'event start', timestamp('2010-01-01 02:40:00', tz=none): '--', timestamp('2010-01-01 0...

ios - Error: Unexpected '@' in program -

i'm getting following error. unexpected '@' in program. my code follows: sktexture* eyetexture1 = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"eye1"]; eyetexture1.filteringmode = sktexturefilteringnearest; sktexture* eyetexture2 = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"eye2"]; eyetexture2.filteringmode = sktexturefilteringnearest; skaction* flap = [skaction repeatactionforever: [skaction animatewithtextures:@[eyetexture1, eyetexture2] timeperframe:0.2]]; _eye = [skspritenode spritenodewithtexture:eyetexture1]; [_eye setscale:2.0]; _eye.position = cgpointmake(self.frame.size.width / 4, cgrectgetmidy(self.frame)); [_eye runaction:flap]; } @end //this error occurs. i've checked other answers on here, not solve issue. thanks edit: in response, code within @implementation, not add more code due stack overflow's "more code, more detail" thing. there curly bracket opens this. please make sure code has @ implementation def...

java - JTable filter on DocumentListener not working -

//registration filter final tablerowsorter<tablemodel> sorter = new tablerowsorter<tablemodel>(databasemodel); documentlistener idlistener = new documentlistener() { public void changedupdate(documentevent documentevent) { } public void insertupdate(documentevent documentevent) { string searchtext = txtreg.gettext(); if (searchtext.length() == 0) { sorter.setrowfilter(null); } else { sorter.setrowfilter(rowfilter.regexfilter(searchtext)); } numberofrecords.settext(searchtable.getrowcount() + " records"); } public void removeupdate(documentevent documentevent) { } }; txtreg.getdocument().adddocumentlistener(idlistener); i'm here again silly questions... :( have jtable wish filter out type on textfield. after researching bit came this, doesn´t work! if put filter outside listener arbitrary string ...

ios - Error: Use of undeclared identifier 'touchesBegan' -

i getting following error use of undeclared identifier 'touchesbegan' in following code under @implementation sktexture* eyetexture1 = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"eye1"]; eyetexture1.filteringmode = sktexturefilteringnearest; sktexture* eyetexture2 = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"eye2"]; eyetexture2.filteringmode = sktexturefilteringnearest; skaction* flap = [skaction repeatactionforever: [skaction animatewithtextures:@[eyetexture1, eyetexture2] timeperframe:0.2]]; _eye = [skspritenode spritenodewithtexture:eyetexture1]; [_eye setscale:2.0]; _eye.position = cgpointmake(self.frame.size.width / 4, cgrectgetmidy(self.frame)); [_eye runaction:flap]; } -(void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event { /* called when touch begins */ i've met problem before. did missing } method above touchesbegan? add in , ok.

java - why does it print "tostring" twice? -

here class please explain why prints "tostring" twice public class hashcodeandequals { static string asd; public hashcodeandequals(string string) { asd = string; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(string[] args) { hashcodeandequals obj1 = new hashcodeandequals("one"); hashcodeandequals obj2 = new hashcodeandequals("two"); system.out.println(obj1.tostring()); //system.out.println(obj2.tostring()); system.out.println(obj1.equals(obj2)); system.out.println(obj1==obj2); } @override public string tostring() { // todo auto-generated method stub system.out.println("tostring"); return "tostring"; } @override public int hashcode() { // todo auto-generated method stub system.out.println("hashcode"); return 0; } } why calls tostring method twice ?? @...

ios - Saving PDF file to iBooks. -

i'm displaying list of pdf files in uiwebview along uibutton. when click button need save pdf file ibooks , later user can read ibooks. here code below: nsstring *path = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"mypdf" oftype:@"pdf"]; nsurl *targeturl = [nsurl fileurlwithpath:path]; nsurlrequest *request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:targeturl]; uiwebview *webview=[[uiwebview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 300, 300)]; [[webview scrollview] setcontentoffset:cgpointmake(0,500) animated:yes]; [webview stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"window.scrollto(0.0, 50.0)"]]; [webview loadrequest:request]; [self.view addsubview:webview]; [webview release]; uibutton download: uibutton *button = [uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontyperoundedrect]; [button addtarget:self action:@selector(download:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchdown]; [button settitle:@"show view" forstate:uicontrolstatenor...

OpenCL - reusing global memory -

this seemingly basic problem haven't been able right fair amount of trial , error. have kernel makes use of 2 global r/w buffers , 1 local - takes input first buffer, pseudo-sort on using second buffer interim storage, , copies first in order. (stripped) code follows: struct packet_pointer { int packetindex; int currentcell; }; #define rpc_div_bucket 100 __kernel void pseudosort(__global struct packet_pointer * in,__global struct packet_pointer * out, __local struct packet_pointer * aux) { int = get_local_id(0); int wg = get_local_size(0); int gid = get_global_id(0); int offset = get_group_id(0) * wg; aux[i] = in[i+offset]; barrier(clk_local_mem_fence); //----- //irrelevant code block here //----- out[(gid%1024)*rpc_div_bucket + (gid/1024)] = aux[i]; } retrieving contents of "out" buffer in parent c program happens without issue. however, when add following lines kernel: barrier(clk_global_mem_fence); in[gid] = out[gi...

How patch android 4.4.2 wpa_supplicant for adhoc wifi -

now, have patch, don't know version. i use patch in android 4.4.2 source. it can scan adhoc wifi can't connect. please how do? this patch file

Unix command: Find minimum from column, and do something -

i have following input files scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7255.77607552893 hartrees iterations: 36 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7256.47180169446 hartrees iterations: 13 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7257.05043442327 hartrees iterations: 25 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7257.53756596970 hartrees iterations: 7 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7257.94483191615 hartrees iterations: 7 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7258.28358389906 hartrees iterations: 7 scfe: scf energy: udft(b3lyp) -7258.56278138629 hartrees iterations: 7 ..... from file, hope extract minumum value of 5th column of file, , following calculation cat input.dat | awk '{print ($5 - minimum of 5th column)*627.509}' > output but i'm not sure how can find, store, , use minimum value of 5th column. thank in advance :) you need 2 passes ($5 - minimum of 5th column)*627.509 each row try this: awk 'nr==fnr{min=min<$5?min:...

Network Tables C++ -

i quite new c++ socket programming. since in frc team, need communicate between application , compact rio via interface known "network tables". need communicate c++ vision application our robot code in java. how implement networktables in regular c++?

javascript - Isotope filter buttons within bootstrap menu/popup -

i'm using isotope , bootstrap together. i'm able them both working following many examples web... filter buttons stop working put them in select or popup or menu. normal or missing something!? i'm guessing line wrong how!! -> $('.filters a').click(function() $( function() { // init isotope var $container = $('.isotope').isotope({ itemselector: '.item', filter: '*', layoutmode: 'masonry' }); var filters = {}; // bind filter button click $('.filters a').click(function(){ var $this = $(this); // don't proceed if selected if ($this.hasclass('active')) { return; } var $optionset = $this.parents('.option-set'); // change selected class $optionset.find('.active').removeclass('active'); $this.addclass('active'); // store filter value in object ...

amazon web services - Android App Crashes After Proguard Obfuscation -

my app working fine without proguard obfuscation. if export proguard obfuscation , install apk file, crashing on first activity itself. using aws android sdk in app. my proguard.txt file is # configuration file proguard. # -dontusemixedcaseclassnames -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses -verbose # optimization turned off default. dex not code run # through proguard optimize , preverify steps (and performs # of these optimizations on own). -dontoptimize -dontpreverify # note if want enable optimization, cannot # include optimization flags in own project configuration file; # instead need point # "proguard-android-optimize.txt" file instead of 1 # file. -keepattributes *annotation* -keep public class -keep public class # native methods, see

copy a large array from application to a datasheet of ms office chart -

there many examples filling datasheet of ms word chart cell cell: osheet.cells(i, j) = myarray(i,j) but in case of large array such filling tends infinity. @ same time excel allows fill datasheet immediately: osheet.range("a1", "z5000").value = myarray but solution excel not works ms word in form. is possible fill datasheet in word in excel?

sql - Insert new user into DB -

i'm trying insert new user database if user's id not exist. i can't seem figure out. the data given user_id, password. want insert data database if user_id not exist. how? if answer isn't self-explanatory, please explain going on. all want able insert new customer database customers w3schools if there isn't duplicate. assuming you're using sql server, can add select statement verify if user exists before proceeding; if not exists (select loginname master.dbo.syslogins name = @loginname , dbname = 'your_db_name') begin -- insert statement here end

How to use Google Analytics API to show information about specific page in C# -

i have configured analytics account , written program in c# tells user current pageviews. want find out number of users specific page on blog. possible , if how can it. please help, thanks. you can find list of dimensions , metrics available google analytics api here: dimensions & metrics you might want try , test out queries here little easer: google analytics query explorer 2 to see number of users per page like: dimension ga:pagepath dimension of ga:visits .

php - htaccess is not working after moving from XAMPP to LAMP on ubuntu 13.10 (Enable htaccess in apache linux server) -

my codeigniter project running on xampp system url, http://localhost/newsfeeds/users/allcategories/ when move project system has lamp server on ubuntu 13.10. run same page need url, http://localhost/newsfeeds/index.php/users/allcategories/ i need index.php file otherwise shows page not fount error. my htaccess file is, rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [l] how can run same project without index.php on both wampp , xamp server ? i found solution issue. in server mode rewrite on. default values need change on /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file. following changes, first, find <directory /var/www/> options indexes followsymlinks allowoverride none require granted </directory> and change allowoverride none all , save. then enable mode rewrite using command(in case enabeled), $ sudo a2enmod rewrite then restart server, $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restar...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/transaction/UserTransaction -

i developing web app (on tomcat 7) needs create periodic task , chose quartz scheduler.but every time start server throws java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: javax/transaction/usertransaction , java.lang.classnotfoundexception: javax.transaction.usertransaction. i rechecked many times in classpath , surely has usertransaction class in javaee.jar line of code system.out.println( system.getproperty( "java.class.path" ) ); please me point out ? . maybe missing something. probably (you did not state javaee.jar using) have version oracle contains api. jar suitable compiling, not running application.

yahoo - OAuth token rejected error -

i want user profile using oauth. i have retreived access token , need call yahoo api making request according the request sending is:- &realm="" &oauth_consumer_key=my key &oauth_nonce=24829.2331 &oauth_signature_method=plaintext &oauth_timestamp=1219450170 &oauth_token=whole token here &oauth_version=1.0 &auth_signature="consumer secret + token secret" when sending request giving me error:- {"error":{"lang":"en-us","description":"please provide valid credentials. oauth oauth_problem=\"token_rejected\", realm=\"\""}} thankyou time , consideration. i having issue while , figured out yahoo! puts a= @ beginning of...

sockets - how can server send its multicast address and port number in android? -

how can server send multicast address , port number server in android? such client can join group of corresponding multicast address multicast addresses hard wired in advance. otherwise infinite regress: multicast it, to? there dynamic multicast address protocols in existence. suggest them up.

Shell Script for Searching text with variable and replace it with content -

im new shell script, need search file given variable, , if file contains variable replace variables alias the text thing like: 74304050 = +4574304050@voip1.local 74304051 = +4574304051@voip1.local 20304050 = +4520304050@voip2.local 20304051 = +4520304051@voip2.local so if use call shell script 20304050 +4520304050@voip1.local how can done, need calling aliases , rewriting them in opensips config file? it's bit underspecified, want? awk -v number=20304050 '$1 == $number { print $3 }' file

node.js - i am trying to store images in mongo gridfs using nodejs -

i create chunks of file , write "manually" using mongo inserts, far understand gridfs take care of chunking. if shed light on nodejs api implementation of gridfs in mongodb appreciated. others looking solution can have resource here :) i need sample code can upload images gridfs using nodejs. if want use gridfs, indeed should use apis provide same level of abstraction. said yourself, use mongo queries directly, end writing own implementation of gridfs library. i'd start gridstore , part of mongo's native node.js driver. last year, there primer girdfs on on node.js knockout , check out practical examples. what need is: connect mongo database get instance of grid class active db connection parameter use gridfs via grid instance

iphone - change the color of a selected portion of a view with LongGestureRecognizer in ios -

i having app in using uilongpressgesturerecognizer. what want that, when user touches portion of view 3 seconds, portion of view should change color. if user touches part of view, portion should change color. i trying below code. uilongpressgesturerecognizer *lpgr = [[uilongpressgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(handlelongpress:)]; lpgr.minimumpressduration = 2.0; //seconds lpgr.delegate = self; [self.view addgesturerecognizer:lpgr]; -(void)handlelongpress:(uilongpressgesturerecognizer *)gesturerecognizer { cgrect frame = cgrectmake(0.0, 0, 200, 200); uiview * backgroundview; backgroundview = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:frame]; [backgroundview setbackgroundcolor:[[uicolor alloc] initwithred:204./255 green:213./255 blue:216./255 alpha:0.5]]; [self.view addsubview:backgroundview]; } with code can change color of frame set. but how change color of part of screen user t...

c - "No rule to make target" althoug the rule exists -

i have issue makefile says no rule make target /obj/%.o, needed /bin/exec. stop. understand have it: # define c compiler use cc = gcc # define compile-time flags # add -ddebug debug mode cflags = -wall # define directories containing header files includes = -i/includes # define src folder src_folder = /src # define src files src = $(wildcard $(src_folder)/%.cpp) # define object folder obj_folder = /obj # define obj files obj = $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(src)) # define binary path bin_folfer = /bin # define executable file main = $(bin_folfer)/exec # compile object files $(obj_folder)/%.o: $(src_folder)/%.cpp $(cc) $(cflags) $< -o $@ # build $(main): $(obj_folder)/%.o $(cc) $(cflags) $^ -o $@ # cleaning .phony: clean clean: rm -f $(obj_folder)/%.o i sorry possible major errors in makefile, first makefile. doing wrong? $(main): $(obj_folder)/%.o requests %.o exactly. % not act pattern here, because not appear on both sides of rule. need...

testcomplete - How can I directly run a file in IE (11) using javascript in Test Complete -

i using ie 11 , want automatically download , run file using javascript in testcomplete. problem run or save buttons inaccessible. can download window (as shown in attached screenshot) unable click run button. i tried recording script uses coordinates reach button. here's code mix , match of recording , scripting- if (aliases.browser.browserwindow.framenotificationbar.directuihwnd.visible == true) { log.message("ie download prompt");, 63); } how can particular run object? you need add directuihwnd window name uiautomation list of accepted windows. this, open tools | current project properties dialog , add window name list in open applications | ui automation group.

php - Dynamic limit per page Knp Pagination -

i need straightforward solution dynamically set number of records per page knp pagination bundle. i read page records per page allow user choose - codeigniter pagination dynamically set per page limits , know need drop down hyperlink inside each item send request server , server use parameter on request set limit per page on knp pagination bundle. don't know how handle actions on server , , more harder me how create items on drop down related total number on query. my controller: public function indexaction() { $page_title = util::getformattedpagetitle("customers"); $em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager'); $dql = "select customersbundle:customer a.enable = 1 order"; //$query = $em->createquery($dql); //$customers = $query->execute(); $query = $em->createquery($dql); $paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator'); $pagination = $paginator->paginate( $query, ...

Get Accestoken of logged in user in twitter using twitter4j android -

i can log in twitter using twitter4j in android. when logged in, want accesstoken of logged in user. see below code. uri uri = getintent().getdata(); if (uri != null && uri.tostring().startswith(twitter_callback_url)) { string verifier = uri.getqueryparameter(twitter_oauth_verifier); try { accesstoken accesstoken = twitter.getoauthaccesstoken(requesttoken, verifier); editor e = msharedpreferences.edit(); e.putstring(pref_key_oauth_token, accesstoken.gettoken()); e.putstring(pref_key_oauth_secret, accesstoken.gettokensecret()); e.putboolean(pref_key_twitter_login, true); e.commit(); functiontocall(accesstoken); } catch (exception e) { } } else{ //here program goes when user logged in. //i want access token here (accesstoken object not string) can pass function functiontocall(accesstoken); ...

c# - Newtonsoft Array With Index Key Deserialize -

i use library deserialize/serialize objects. could deserialize following json array of "offerpixel" ? all of arrays has index number each item on service. "offerpixel" object seem subitem of index number. { "data": { "1": { "offerpixel": { "id": "1", "affiliate_id": "1009", "offer_id": "7", "status": "deleted", "code": "", "type": "url", "modified": "2012-02-16 10:07:33", "goal_id": null } }, "2": { "offerpixel": { "id": "2", "affiliate_id": "1011", "offer_id": "7", "status": "deleted", "cod...

java - Best practice to receive JSON and convert it to an object -

i receiving json string in java, , wish convert object represents string. have function: private arraylist<mydevice> parseresposne(string response) { arraylist<mydevice> devices = null; jsonarray jsnarr = null; try { // jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(response); jsnarr = new jsonarray(response); } catch (jsonexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } (int = 0; < jsnarr.length(); i++) { mydevice tmpdevice = new mydevice(jsnarr.); // devices.add(tmpdevice); } return null; } here mydevice class: public class mydevice { public string name; public int deviceid; public string serialno; public string devicetype; public boolean enabled; public mydevice(int deviceid, string name, string serialno, string devicetype, boolean enabled) { this.deviceid = deviceid; = name; this.serialno = serialno; this.devicetype = devicetype; thi...

Classic ASP Authenticate Against Active Directory -

i have classic asp website (sorry!). parts of need nt authentication enabled. i ideally present user nice login form (rather browser prompt) authenticate against ad , usual "log in if success, show error if failure" is possible? i've tried following on local computer not sure how test success or if expands searching against ad <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action="test.asp" method="post"> username: <input type="text" name="strusername"><br> password: <input type="password" name="strpassword"><br> <input type="submit" name="btnsubmit"> </form> <% if request.form("strusername") <> "" dim stradspath stradspath = "winnt://aria" strusername = request.form("strusername") strpassword = ...

javascript - Quickblox: How to use pagination in fetching custom objects using Web SDK -

i making quick web report team view selected application data using quickblox web sdk. i able fetch users data , some custom objects data 100 objects. question is, how fetch more 100 custom objects e.g. use pagination? with users query, using following (this works fine): var params = {}; {params.perpage = 100;} {params.pageno = page;} qb.users.listusers(params, function(err,result) { ... } but, how same when fetching custom objects using quickblox web sdk (javascript) library? any tips or recommendations appreciated! :) okay.. posting question gets brains working better. so, answering own question in case else has brain bump.. :) simple way create pagination custom object fetch use filters , skip parameter stated in: full query this: var filter = {skip: skipcount};"custom_class_name", filter, function(err, result) { ... }

php - Godaddy Error - No input file specified, on symfony1.4 project -

this question has answer here: no input file specified 9 answers searched forums, tried everything, couldn’t work. host godaddy. when go , says no input file specified. knowing work how fix this? thanks. my .htaccess set to: options +followsymlinks +execcgi <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on # uncomment following line, if having trouble # getting no_script_name work #rewritebase / # skip files .something #rewritecond %{request_uri} \..+$ #rewritecond %{request_uri} !\.html$ #rewriterule .* - [l] # check if .html version here (caching) rewriterule ^$ index.html [qsa] rewriterule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [qsa] rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f # no, redirect our front web controller rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php [qsa,l] </ifmodule> just modifiy .htaccess file ...

javascript - Kendo UI Grid not reaching Post on Controller -

i have looked @ example kendo grid here, , 1 on codeproject , thread on site , don't seem find error. i'm not knowledgeable javascript or html, expect simple mistake on part. here code have far: $(document).ready(function () { var baseurl = "/api/leavetypes", leavetypes = new{ autosync: true, transport: { read: { url: baseurl + "?getall=true", datatype: "jsonp", type: "get" }, update: { url: baseurl, datatype: "jsonp", type: "post" }, parametermap: function (options, operation) { if (operation !== "read" && options.models) { return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) }; } } }, schema: { mod...

algorithm - Shortest path in a dag but must go through m type-A edges and n type-B edges -

there dag (directed acyclic graph) weight on each edge, , each edge has type, either type-a or type-b for example: (red edges mean type-a, , black edges mean type-b edges) the problem defined following: given 2 vertices s, t, find shortest path between these 2 vertices subject usage of m type-a edges , n type-b edges, or report no such path exists e.g., given a, d , m = 1, n = 2, find shortest path between , d , meanwhile meet constraint in case, shortest path a, b, c, d , shortest path length 7 one idea had popped on head, first, topological sort, using topological order examination sequence, keep tracking shortest path length , traversed edges starting a the bookkeeping record this, [ number_of_type_a , number_of_type_b , shortest_length , predecessor ] and keep considering incoming edge usual way find shortest path in dag e.g. (i missed 3 on edge (b,d) ) consider a: [0, 0, 0, nil] consider b: (1 incoming edge) [1, 0, 1, a] consider c: (2 in...

osx - How can I make AppleScript SOAP work with existing SOAP webservices (e.g. W3Schools' CelsiusToFarenheit example)? -

i'm using applescript editor. run following code there: tell application "" call soap {method name:"celsiustofahrenheit", method namespace uri:"", parameters:{celsius:50 string}, soapaction:""} end tell if execute above code, "error" string (which not expected). generated request follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap-env:envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" soap-env:encodingstyle="" xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:soap-enc=""> <soap-env:body> <m:ce...