android - Get View position -
i developing simple app produced bubbles on screen on touch. bubble move around on screen , popped when reaches border of screen or if user touches it. have coded bubble pop when reaches borders of screen can't figure out way detect if user touched it.
i want detect if user touched bubble on screen.
note:- bubbles created using custom view. have included important functions can include whole code if want. here's code
public class bubbleactivity extends activity { // these variables testing purposes, not modify private final static int random = 0; private final static int single = 1; private final static int still = 2; private static int speedmode = random; private static final int menu_still = menu.first; private static final int menu_single_speed = menu.first + 1; private static final int menu_random_speed = menu.first + 2; private static final string tag = "lab-graphics"; // main view private relativelayout mframe; // bubble image private bitmap mbitmap; // display dimensions private int mdisplaywidth, mdisplayheight; // sound variables // audiomanager private audiomanager maudiomanager; // soundpool private soundpool msoundpool; // id bubble popping sound private int msoundid; // audio volume private float mstreamvolume; // gesture detector private gesturedetector mgesturedetector; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); // set user interface mframe = (relativelayout) findviewbyid(; // load basic bubble bitmap mbitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(), r.drawable.b64); } @override protected void onresume() { super.onresume(); // manage bubble popping sound } @override public void onwindowfocuschanged(boolean hasfocus) { super.onwindowfocuschanged(hasfocus); if (hasfocus) { // size of display view knows borders mdisplaywidth = mframe.getwidth(); mdisplayheight = mframe.getheight(); } } // set gesturedetector private void setupgesturedetector() { mgesturedetector = new gesturedetector(this, new gesturedetector.simpleongesturelistener() { // detecting if user touched bubble here @override public boolean onsingletapconfirmed(motionevent event) { // trying bubble position can't x=0, y=0 tried // many things log.d(tag,""+((viewgroup)mframe).getchildcount()); for(int i=0; i<((viewgroup)mframe).getchildcount(); ++i) { view nextchild = ((viewgroup)mframe).getchildat(i); rect rect = new rect(); nextchild.getlocalvisiblerect(rect); int[] location = new int[2]; nextchild.getlocationonscreen(location); log.d(tag, "x = " + location[0] + " y = " + location[1]); } if(event.getaction() == motionevent.action_down){ bubbleview bubbleview = new bubbleview(getapplicationcontext(), event.getx(),event.gety()); bubbleview.start(); mframe.addview(bubbleview); } return true; } }); } @override public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event) { // todo - delegate touch gesturedetector return mgesturedetector.ontouchevent(event); } @override protected void onpause() { // todo - release soundpool resources super.onpause(); } // bubbleview view displays bubble. // class handles animating, drawing, popping amongst other actions. // new bubbleview created each bubble on display private class bubbleview extends view { private static final int bitmap_size = 64; private static final int refresh_rate = 40; private final paint mpainter = new paint(); private scheduledfuture<?> mmoverfuture; private int mscaledbitmapwidth; private bitmap mscaledbitmap; // location, speed , direction of bubble private float mxpos, mypos, mdx, mdy; private long mrotate, mdrotate; public bubbleview(context context, float x, float y) { super(context); log("creating bubble at: x:" + x + " y:" + y); // create new random number generator // randomize size, rotation, speed , direction random r = new random(); // creates bubble bitmap bubbleview createscaledbitmap(r); // adjust position center bubble under user's finger mxpos = x - mscaledbitmapwidth / 2; mypos = y - mscaledbitmapwidth / 2; // set bubbleview's speed , direction setspeedanddirection(r); // set bubbleview's rotation setrotation(r); mpainter.setantialias(true); } // start moving bubbleview & updating display private void start() { // creates workerthread scheduledexecutorservice executor = executors .newscheduledthreadpool(1); // execute run() in worker thread every refresh_rate // milliseconds // save reference job in mmoverfuture mmoverfuture = executor.schedulewithfixeddelay(new runnable() { @override public void run() { // todo - implement movement logic. // each time method run bubbleview should // move 1 step. if bubbleview exits display, // stop bubbleview's worker thread. // otherwise, request bubbleview redrawn. if(!isoutofview()){ movewhileonscreen(); } else{ stop(true); } } }, 0, refresh_rate, timeunit.milliseconds); } private synchronized boolean intersects(float x, float y) { // todo - return true if bubbleview intersects position (x,y) return false; } // cancel bubble's movement // remove bubble mframe // play pop sound if bubbleview popped private void stop(final boolean popped) { if (null != mmoverfuture && mmoverfuture.cancel(true)) { // work performed on ui thread runnable() { @override public void run() { // todo - remove bubbleview mframe if (popped) { log("pop!"); // todo - if bubble popped user, // play popping sound mframe.removeview(bubbleview.this); //mmoverfuture.cancel(true);, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } log("bubble removed view!"); } }); } } // change bubble's speed , direction private synchronized void deflect(float velocityx, float velocityy) { log("velocity x:" + velocityx + " velocity y:" + velocityy); //todo - set mdx , mdy new velocities divided refresh_rate mdx = velocityx/refresh_rate; mdy = velocityy/refresh_rate; } // draw bubble @ current location @override protected synchronized void ondraw(canvas canvas) { // todo - save canvas; // todo - increase rotation of original image mdrotate mrotate = mrotate + mdrotate; // todo rotate canvas current rotation canvas.rotate(mrotate, mxpos + mscaledbitmapwidth/2, mypos + mscaledbitmapwidth/2); // todo - draw bitmap @ it's new location canvas.drawbitmap(mscaledbitmap, mxpos, mypos,mpainter); // todo - restore canvas canvas.restore(); } private synchronized boolean movewhileonscreen() { // todo - move bubbleview // returns true if bubbleview has exited screen mxpos = mdx+mxpos; mypos = mdy+mypos; postinvalidate(); return false; } private boolean isoutofview() { // todo - return true if bubbleview has exited screen if(mxpos + mscaledbitmapwidth/2 >= mdisplaywidth - mscaledbitmapwidth/2 || mxpos <0 ||mypos + mscaledbitmapwidth/2 >= mdisplayheight - mscaledbitmapwidth/2 || mypos <0){ return true; } return false; } }
update :-
to clarify bit, want location of bubbles on screen , compare them event.getx() , event.gety() detect if tapped on bubble. ii have check bubble tap in onsingletapconfirmed()
. correctly able total number of bubbles can't detect location on screen.
for(int i=0; i<((viewgroup)mframe).getchildcount(); ++i) { view nextchild = ((viewgroup)mframe).getchildat(i); rect rect = new rect(); nextchild.getlocalvisiblerect(rect); int[] location = new int[2]; nextchild.getlocationonscreen(location); log.d(tag, "x = " + location[0] + " y = " + location[1]); }
above code gives correct number of bubbles return coordinates 0,0.
in onsingletapconfirmed function, try following iterate through bubbleviews , pass event x , y coordinates on.
for(int i=0;i<mframe.getchildcount();i++){ bubbleview bubblethis = (bubbleview) mframe.getchildat(i); if (bubblethis.intersects(event.getx(),event.gety())){ bubblethis.stop(true); return true; } }
the function in bubbleview should return true if x , y fall inside boundaries. add function inside intersects function in bubbleview clarification:
private synchronized boolean intersects(float x, float y) { if ( (x>mxpos && x<(mxpos+mscaledbitmapwidth)) && (y>mypos && y<(mypos+mscaledbitmapwidth)) ) { return true; } return false; }
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