javascript - Converting a specific if/else if/else to switch -

i'm struggling bit here, use bit of outside opinion. i've had (and messily) write function full of if/else statements done, have more time spend on , i'd convert switch. been wracking brains on can't seem figure out.

// function, fine is. var between = "..."; var val = x.value.split("&&")     val.foreach(function(y){         application.output(y)         if("{")!=-1.0) {             y=y.substring(1,y.length)         } else {             if("}")!=-1.0){             y=y.substring(0,y.length-1)             }         }  // below im trying build switch out of if("!")!=-1.0) {              if("%")!=-1.0) {                 y=" not '"+y.substring(1,y.length)+"'"             } else if(">") !=-1.0) {                 y=" !> '"+y.substring(2,y.length)+"'"             } else if("<") !=-1.0) {                 y=" !< '"+y.substring(2,y.length)+"'"             } else if("...")!=-1.0) {                 // use index & final index of between slice 2 values apart                 y=" not between '"+y.substring(1,y.indexof(between))+"'"+" , '"+y.substring(y.lastindexof(between)+3,y.length)+"'"             } else {                 y=" != '"+y.substring(1,y.length)+"'"             }         // if user inputting operators            } else if (">") !=-1.0) {             y = " > '"+y.substring(1,y.length)+"'"         } else if ("<") !=-1.0) {             y = " < '"+y.substring(1,y.length)+"'"         } else if ("...")!=-1.0) {             y=" between '"+y.substring(1,y.indexof(between))+"'"+" , '"+y.substring(y.lastindexof(between)+5,y.length)+"'"         } else {             if("%")!=-1.0) {                 y=" '"+y+"'"             } else {                 y=" = '"+y+"'"             }         }         y=" , "" "+y         sql+=y 

the function takes operators passed in via user input , builds sql query out of it. not sure if it's possible transform switch, there may way.

i think code ok.

if mine.. replace few things:

but it's matter of taste , maintain standard across codes..

    application.output(y);     if (y.indexof("{") > -1) {         y = y.substring(1);     }     if (y.indexof("}") > -1) {         y = y.substring(0, y.length - 1);     }      // below im trying build switch out of     if (y.indexof("!") > -1) {          if (y.indexof("%") > -1) {             y = " not '" + y.substring(1) + "'";         } else if (y.indexof(">") > -1) {             y = " !> '" + y.substring(2) + "'";         } else if (y.indexof("<") > -1) {             y = " !< '" + y.substring(2) + "'";         } else if (y.indexof("...") > -1) {             // use index & final index of between slice 2 values apart             y = " not between '" + y.substring(1, y.indexof(between)) + "'" + " , '" + y.substring(y.lastindexof(between) + 3) + "'";         } else {             y = " != '" + y.substring(1) + "'";         }         // if user inputting operators        } else if (y.indexof(">") > -1) {         y = " > '" + y.substring(1) + "'";     } else if (y.indexof("<") > -1) {         y = " < '" + y.substring(1) + "'";     } else if (y.indexof("...") > -1) {         y = " between '" + y.substring(1, y.indexof(between)) + "'" + " , '" + y.substring(y.lastindexof(between) + 5) + "'";     } else if (y.indexof("%") > -1) {         y = " '" + y + "'";     } else {         y = " = '" + y + "'";     }      y = " , " + + " " + y;     sql += y; 


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