java - Best practice to receive JSON and convert it to an object -

i receiving json string in java, , wish convert object represents string. have function:

private arraylist<mydevice> parseresposne(string response) {     arraylist<mydevice> devices = null;     jsonarray jsnarr = null;     try {         // jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(response);         jsnarr = new jsonarray(response);      } catch (jsonexception e) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e.printstacktrace();     }      (int = 0; < jsnarr.length(); i++) {          mydevice tmpdevice = new mydevice(jsnarr.);         // devices.add(tmpdevice);     }      return null; } 

here mydevice class:

public class mydevice {  public string name; public int deviceid; public string serialno; public string devicetype; public boolean enabled;  public mydevice(int deviceid, string name, string serialno, string devicetype, boolean enabled) {     this.deviceid = deviceid; = name;     this.serialno = serialno;     this.devicetype = devicetype;     this.enabled = enabled; } } 

is there not easier way such model binder ins mvc?

what standard / best way convert json object?

you can use google's gson library easy conversion of json object , vice versa.

gson gson = new gson(); arraylist<mydevice> yourarray = gson.fromjson(jsonstring, new typetoken<list<mydevice>>(){}.gettype());   public class mydevice {      public string name;     public int deviceid;     public string serialno;     public string devicetype;     public boolean enabled;     //setters , getters } 


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