java - alarm service not working in power saver mode of phone -

i have app using alarm service.using alarm service setting

pendingintent pendingintent = pendingintent.getbroadcast(this, 0,                 new intent("com.mindedges.pkg.intent.action.new_hour"),                 pendingintent.flag_update_current);  alarmmanager.setrepeating(alarmmanager.rtc_wakeup, alarmshedulehelper                 .getimmediatenexthour().gettimeinmillis(),                 alarmmanager.interval_hour, pendingintent); 

and there receiver , plays sound.

evertthing works fine on phone , of users , customers complain. " of time app fails show alarm , either few minutes late or when press power button unlock phone"

note customer have turned on power saver , have have included app active on standby mode

what possible reason?does alarm service not work in power saver mode?

related post :android alarmmanager.set(...): notification never received when battery low

i've empirically found timing repeating alarms wildly unpredictable. instance, when i've asked 35 minute period, i'll alarms @ 35 minutes intervals, hours apart, , within few minutes of each other.

i've found more predictable ask one-shot alarm , resubmit new 1 each time alarm fires.

that approach has apparently become google recommendation. alarmmanager page has following added description of setrepeating: "note: of api 19, repeating alarms inexact. if application needs precise delivery times must use one-time exact alarms, rescheduling each time described above. legacy applications targetsdkversion earlier api 19 continue have of alarms, including repeating alarms, treated exact."
