java - How to iterate and add each "many" in a one-to-many class -

i have 2 classes. orderslip class has one-to-many relationship ordereditemdescription.

class orderslip {        string employeeid     int serving     int tablenumber      static hasmany = [ordereditemdescription: ordereditemdescription] }  class ordereditemdescription {      menuitem menuitem     menuitemprogressstatus progress//progress     string descriptionoforder     int quantity = 1      static belongsto = orderslip } 

now problem how iterate ordereditemdescription when update orderslip can add many ordereditemdescriptions along properties.

def updateorderslip(long id) {     user currentuser = springsecurityservice.currentuser     def orderslipinstance = table.get(id)      //other codes ordereditemdescription here     orderslipinstance.employeeid = currentuser.username     orderslipinstance.serving= integer.parseint(params.serving)     orderslipinstance.tablenumber= params.tablenumber     render(action:'server') } 

im doing in gsp. im adding data dom add buttons. send order im hoping can update problem since im adding many g:hiddenfield each ordereditemdescription in summary

enter image description here

you should persisting each new instance ordereditemdescription somehow.

you can store in db upon click on add-button status flag set incomplete. when save whole order, must change incomplete complete.

another option keep items in http session. upon send order iterate through in-session items , persist them along order instance.

both ways have advantages , drawbacks, both useful.


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