xpages - XSP.partialRefresh does not fire after XSP.confirm -

short overview of issue: have large form several fields, 1 of them xe:djfilteringselect , 1 xp:combobox. xp:combobox computet depending on value selected in filtering select. customers want if change value of filtering select of saved docoument should prompted warning. want add confirm message onchange event of djfilteringselect cancel it's ssjs code wich changes combobox.

prompting user confirm ("change value?...") box no big deal reseting value (on clientside) if users selects "no" gives me lot of trouble.

what have tryed:

if use simple confirm action further onchange actions canceled djfilteringselect field keeps it's user selected value. if fire partial refresh on filtering select original value form document displayed don't know add because there no oncancel or did miss here?

i tried csjs window.confirm , xsp.confirm , reset value manual xsp.partialrefreshget() if user selects 'no' in case partial refresh not work:

if(!xsp.confirm("execute?")){                                        xsp.partialrefreshget("#{id:repeat1}",{       onstart: function () {console.log("start");},       oncomplete: function () {console.log("finish");},       onerror: function () {console.log("error");}            });     return false; } 

if move partial refresh function , call e.g. firebug works fine if call inside if(confirm){} nothing @ all. return false work ssjs not executed. value in document not changed (as intended), djfilteringselect keeps selected value on clientside.

i tried mark leusink´s dojo-style confirm same problem partial refresh here.

if set value manual instead of using partial refresh dijit.byid(item).setvalue resoult in onchange event... loop. update: if use dijit.byid(item).set("value",newval,false) onchange not fire direct changes value intended onchange fires when filtering select looses ist ??focus!?!? ...

so questions:

  1. is there ways execute code after confirm action if user selects "no".
  2. why partial refresh in csjs not working (i dont see traffic in firebug , dont errors not onerror of refresh gets fired).
  3. does know different approach problem?

update: current 'solution' use window.location.reload() instead of xsp.partialrefresh reload site. solution not satisfy me, because in ie whole page flickering.. in firfox can live it.


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